Thursday, July 11, 2013


Possible race riots after trial!

racially-charged case that has attracted the attention of much of the nation, a not-guilty verdict could prompt people in Sanford and elsewhere to rise up, sparking fears that riots could emerge if the 6 jurors acquit the defendant.
II am here today to tell you that the prosecution did not prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. This was twisted by the main street media to a race issue and they keep saying that he racially profiled Mr. Martin. Well I'm here to tell you that that is OK. We are allowed to profile people for our own safety and the safety of our family.

This picture above shows you what they want you to see and not want you to see. They by racially motivated hate want you to believe  anyone who makes any assumption  about someone of any color is wrong. I ask you to watch this video below and tell me what you think because i believe this will shed some light on the subject.

Well i hope we have given you more food for thought. There is one thing for sure I feel bad for Mr. Martin's family. Not for him he made decisions that turned out with his death. I also believe that there in no way they have presented a case beyond reasonable doubt. Zimmerman will, and i predict acquitted on all charges or will be granted a new trial. Please America we have to stand up to these people in the liberal media who want you to think that everything is racist and not just what it is a choice in a free country to profile. Profiling is OK. Will be done everyday and definitely done every day by most African Americans in this country. So if they can do it why can't we because they have a crutch called racism;
          I believe that there is no racism that will prevent you from reaching your dreams in this country. So by allowing yourself to be marginalized by the Democrats and liberals in America no African American will break from the stereo types If they don't abandon the party that makes them dependent. Look at yourself, If someone doesn't like you of profiles you then maybe look at the culture you represent and illuminate. Look in the mirror. Why do you let other control your fate as we all do in this country if we fail we try again....

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