Saturday, July 20, 2013

Breaking News Zimmerman To Face Civil Rights Charges. Propaganda Over Truth Is The Liberal Way.

Department of Injustice still likely to charge George Zimmerman with civil rights violations because they are not satisfied with the verdict in the Trayvon Martin trial. 
Head liar!
Head liar!
Despite all the the FBI reports, that Zimmerman in no way had violated Trayvon’s civil rights. Interviews uncovered Zimmerman not only has showed no signs of racism, but the the exact opposite, Zimmerman going to prom with a woman of another race, sticking up against police for  a homeless man. None of this seems to matter, or even be acknowledged by Jesse  Jackson Jackass, or not to sharp  Sharpton. So if your innocent till proven guilty, then how can you not be innocent when the verdict comes back not guilty. The sear propaganda from the left, DOJ, Sharpton, Family Lawyers. They preach and rant about the stand your ground law. I’m confused are these idiots watching the same trial i did. He was found innocent and not guilty by self defense. So why are they not arguing the facts or the truth? Because they can’t win with the truth and once again the left will spin it to get what they want at any cost.
They have ruined a mans life for some hint of political gain. This man is not gonna ever have a normal life. The news stations changing the 911 tape to make Zimmerman sound racist. They lied, So even with the news, the family of Trayvon, Prosecution, lawyers, all the ignorant clowns like Sharpton,Jackson, twist and manipulate all these people for financial gain, and publicity.  These so called leaders further divide our country for personal gain. Why are people so stupid. The average person may be to dumb to understand even the simplest basics. The black community leaves me no choice but to accuse them of racism and to use any advantage and manipulate the weak to get their way. Please i encourage a educated discussion on this matter.
By Cory Allen Grambart

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